Tracking software causing problems

Well done lads you've done it again!!!

Anti track up dated this morning and the old no access to internet again. 

This is not on.

@Allan, be careful… because the "hotfix" solved the "total connection loss" bug, but… the slow-browsing is still there.

@Allan: The problem is last Antitrack update. Lots and lots of users are having the same problem. Same for me.

- Uncheck "run antitrack on windows startup" in the antitrack options (for not having to do the next 2 steps each time you turn on your computer)
- Close antitrack from the system tray
- Kill "avgantitrackfilter.exe" proccess in the task manager
DONE. You will have your internet connection working perfectly again.
And the MOST IMPORTANT step: DEMAND AVG FOR REFUND, as they sold you a completely crappy software. Maybe this way they think twice before releasing a crappy update, with a HUGE BUG in it.

Random things have started to happen at the beginning of this month, Sept 21, tracking sites have gone from 3 or 4 to 50 to 70 per day and more importantly although I am connected to the internet no site apart from Google search will load. This is on all browsers. I noticed the fan speed sped up so I ctrl, alt, deleted to see AVG tracker is using a lot of processing power. If I turn it off everything works again for a while. I've now turned it off and everything is working fine.

@Allan: The problem is last Antitrack update. Lots and lots of users are having the same problem. Same for me.

- Uncheck "run antitrack on windows startup" in the antitrack options (for not having to do the next 2 steps each time you turn on your computer)
- Close antitrack from the system tray
- Kill "avgantitrackfilter.exe" proccess in the task manager
DONE. You will have your internet connection working perfectly again.
And the MOST IMPORTANT step: DEMAND AVG FOR REFUND, as they sold you a completely crappy software. Maybe this way they think twice before releasing a crappy update, with a HUGE BUG in it.

We appreciate your effort and understanding, Allan.
Previously, some of our users have faced these connectivity issues. We've reported this to our developers. Now, this issue has been fixed. 
Please update AntiTrack (AntiTrack > Menu > Settings > Check for updates).
Please monitor the status and update through this community post.
Thank you.

I've reinstalled it, I'll let you know if it causes problems.

Hi Allan,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We would request you to uninstall AVG AntiTrack and then reinstall it in order to fix this issue.
Thank you and please keep us informed.