Thanks, this worked for me. After updating NVIDIA drivers, AVG scans were negative
Having the same problem. Tried to update NVIDIA drivers, but could not directly do so. Downloaded GeForce Experience to get drivers automatically. After updating drivers, I ran a new AVG scan. It's still picking up the Trojan Horse36.BAHP and can't remove it. Suggestions?
I managed to track it down to the "nvinitx" which seemed to be connected to Nvidia.
I updated the drivers and the problem seem to solve itself as AVG, Malwarebytes and various other anti virus programmes found nothing untoward.
Hope this helps
Philip Cronin / A Rao, No probs… Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
AVG Guru
Hi Philip,
In order to analyze it please provide us with and .
This Trojan suddenly appeared after a full computer scan last week & seems impossible to move.
When I have tried to remove it. AVG says "Cannot be removed. Data is not valid".
Since then I have tried a Safe mode scan & it has picked up nothing.
I have also run Malwarebytes that has picked up nothind as has various other antimalware/spy software & they to have said that there are no threats.
I have also tried restoring the computer but AVG scans keep coming back with this Trojan present which seems to be mainly in processes(I think). Typical file pathway is "c:\Windows\System32\winnit.exe(908):c\Windows|System32\nvinitx.ddl:\memory.
I have also uninstalled AVG & reinstalled it but still no luck
Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
In order to analyze it please provide us with and .
I managed to track it down to the "nvinitx" which seemed to be connected to Nvidia.
I updated the drivers and the problem seem to solve itself as AVG, Malwarebytes and various other anti virus programmes found nothing untoward.
Hope this helps