Trying to cancel avg because it slows my computer horrendously

Hello Lauren.
We regret for any inconvenience caused.
You have an active subscription for AVG TuneUp, valid till 5th Aug 2020. I'd like to confirm that automatic renewal is already cancelled for this subscription and I assure you will not be charged for its renewal.
Regarding the PC slowdown, are you experiencing this after running the maintenance tasks using AVG TuneUp? Do you have any other AVG apps installed on your PC?  Or, how did you narrow down this issue to AVG?

My computer with avg running slows horrendously and won't run games. When I went on my account to cancel my avg subscription , the avg website said mm something went wrong, can't cancel recurring subscription at this moment try again. Subscription is due for renewal July 2020. If avg can't even keep their own website clear of viruses then what chance Harvey of trying to keep someone else's computer clean!

Hello Lauren.
We regret for any inconvenience caused.
You have an active subscription for AVG TuneUp, valid till 5th Aug 2020. I'd like to confirm that automatic renewal is already cancelled for this subscription and I assure you will not be charged for its renewal.
Regarding the PC slowdown, are you experiencing this after running the maintenance tasks using AVG TuneUp? Do you have any other AVG apps installed on your PC?  Or, how did you narrow down this issue to AVG?