Trying to cancel vpn whicj is inside of AVG internet security

Hello Cuma, 
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We understand that you want to cancel the AVG subscription purchased via Google Play Store. 
We do have a specialized team who deals with mobile related queries.
We have escalated your case to concern team, and they will get back to you via email and help further.
Thank you and keep us updated.

A few hours ago I bought the vpn ultimate in my avg internet security product on my phone. And unfortunately I can only use this vpn on mobile. I thought I could use it on my computer as well. I want to cancel this and buy avg secure vpn multi device for my computer. Can you help me? Can l cancel this order ?it is inside of the AVG internet security. l purcased AVG internet security app about 9 month ago and l bought vpn which is inside this app today.l will buy for multi device vpn

Hello Cuma, 
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We understand that you want to cancel the AVG subscription purchased via Google Play Store. 
We do have a specialized team who deals with mobile related queries.
We have escalated your case to concern team, and they will get back to you via email and help further.
Thank you and keep us updated.