Trying to install AVG

Hi Kelly,
We are sorry that you are facing issues with installing AVG. Let's identify the cause of this issue and fix it right away. Have you installed any other AVG product or conflicting security software in your computer? Thanks. Komal, AVG Customer Care.

I have previously purchased a multipul licence for AVG internet security. I have been trying to install on my daughters new laptop (replacement of one that broke) and the AVG tells me my product code is invaild and now it also tells me: 
Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished

I thought I would uninstall the program then reinstall it, this time clicking on the free monthly trial of internet security. And yet again it says the installation failed. The first thing I did to her new laptop was uninstall the free preinstalled Mcaffee, so for about a fortnight she's had no internet security. So I don't think there is a conflict in software. 

Hi Kelly,
We are sorry that you are facing issues with installing AVG. Let's identify the cause of this issue and fix it right away. Have you installed any other AVG product or conflicting security software in your computer? Thanks. Komal, AVG Customer Care.

Hi Kelly,
We have sent you an email with steps to get in touch with our technical team. Please follow my email steps to get this issue resolved. Thank you. Komal, AVG Customer Care.