Tune up pagato non funziona dopo 2 mesi

Hello, Nicoletta

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, for example you can use https://translate.google.com
Please do not worry, I will help you in this.
It seems that you have to activate the product
I have sent the email instructions to activate the AVG TuneUp
Please check your inbox/spam for the email.
Ho acquistato il 5 febbraio AVG Tune up, ma dopo due mesi già non funziona e mi si richiede l'acquisto! Che fare?
Hello, Nicoletta

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, for example you can use https://translate.google.com
Please do not worry, I will help you in this.
It seems that you have to activate the product
I have sent the email instructions to activate the AVG TuneUp
Please check your inbox/spam for the email.