Hello Lyn,
We are sorry to know about the Turbo Mode problem. In this case, we suggest you to try AVG PC TuneUp repair and then check if the Turbo Mode works fine in your computer. Please click on this link for the steps to run AVG repair avgclick.me/RepairAVG
Thank you
Hi Karthikeyan,
Thanks for your reply. I ran AVG repair and the results are interesting. If I enable Turbo Mode and then do a restart, it comes back up in Standard Mode. However if I enable Turbo Mode and shut the system completely down and reboot, it's still in Turbo Mode when it comes back up. I've done both things several times with the same results so far. I admit I didn't check for this difference initially so now it's impossible to tell if it was always doing that before the repair, or if it was coming back up in Turbo Mode in both situations and the repair only partially fixed the issue.
I had a suspicion that maybe it had something to do with how quickly Win10 is starting up and shutting down (especially on this new rig) and that the speed of that is not giving programs time to "do their thing" - but I would think that would apply more to a restart than shutting down entirely and rebooting. Either I'm way off on that assumption or it's something else entirely.
I attempted to chat with a support rep but all I got was instructions to go into Settings and click the "until the computer shuts down" option for Turbo Mode duration - despite stating three times that this had already been done when TM was initially configured and it wasn't working, thus my request for assistance. Beyond that he offered no possible cause or solution, only the option to set up a remote session to check every last setting on my system looking for a clue, which I declined because I can flip every switch on my own time and at my own discretion if that's the best support has to offer.
Has anyone else encountered this problem, if so is there a known cause and/or solution out there?
We request you to completely reinstall AVG PC TuneUp once and check whether the issue persists.
To uninstall AVG PC TuneUp from control panel, please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1DEtNP0 .
To download, install and activate AVG PC TuneUp, please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1ERJxSd .
Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.
Thanks for your reply. I ran AVG repair and the results are interesting. If I enable Turbo Mode and then do a restart, it comes back up in Standard Mode. However if I enable Turbo Mode and shut the system completely down and reboot, it's still in Turbo Mode when it comes back up. I've done both things several times with the same results so far. I admit I didn't check for this difference initially so now it's impossible to tell if it was always doing that before the repair, or if it was coming back up in Turbo Mode in both situations and the repair only partially fixed the issue.
I had a suspicion that maybe it had something to do with how quickly Win10 is starting up and shutting down (especially on this new rig) and that the speed of that is not giving programs time to "do their thing" - but I would think that would apply more to a restart than shutting down entirely and rebooting. Either I'm way off on that assumption or it's something else entirely.
We are sorry to know about the Turbo Mode problem. In this case, we suggest you to try AVG PC TuneUp repair and then check if the Turbo Mode works fine in your computer. Please click on this link for the steps to run AVG repair avgclick.me/RepairAVG
Thank you