Hello, Henk.
We'd be glad to help resolve these issues. Please repair AVG PC TuneUp to resolve the error messages. Regarding the defragmentation, please remove it from the daily maintenance tasks and run it manually.
Open AVG PC TuneUp, click Settings > 1 - Click maintenance and uncheck the "Defragment Hard disk", click OK to save the settings. Then click 'All functions' tile on AVG PC TuneUp main dashboard, click 'Defragment disk' to manually run it.
Sorry for my bad English.
I have bought AVG PC TuneUp for 3 pc's. One pc gives no problems until now.
One pc (TubeUp dowloaded from my account) gives an error "FOLLOWING AVG PROCESSES FAILED DUPLICATEFINDER.EXE"
Another pc (also downloaded from my account) starts defragmentation, after one night it stil is defragmenting.
Please give me a solution,.
H. van der Wolf
e-mail: h.xxxxxf@hetnet.nl (alias HVDWOLF@kpnmail)
another alias: h.xxxxxxxxxf@hotmail.com
Hello, Henk.
We'd be glad to help resolve these issues. Please repair AVG PC TuneUp to resolve the error messages. Regarding the defragmentation, please remove it from the daily maintenance tasks and run it manually.
Open AVG PC TuneUp, click Settings > 1 - Click maintenance and uncheck the "Defragment Hard disk", click OK to save the settings. Then click 'All functions' tile on AVG PC TuneUp main dashboard, click 'Defragment disk' to manually run it.
We'd be glad to help resolve these issues. Please repair AVG PC TuneUp to resolve the error messages. Regarding the defragmentation, please remove it from the daily maintenance tasks and run it manually.
Open AVG PC TuneUp, click Settings > 1 - Click maintenance and uncheck the "Defragment Hard disk", click OK to save the settings. Then click 'All functions' tile on AVG PC TuneUp main dashboard, click 'Defragment disk' to manually run it.