Unable o unlock my phone after the first attempt

Hi Asogun,

We will help you to get this issue resolved.

We request you to reset the PIN for AVG Anti-theft feature by following the below instructions:

PIN Reset:

1. Click on the following link http://my.avg.com
2. Login to anti-theft portal using the my account credentials
3. Select the device from the left panel you wish to reset the anti-theft pin.
4. New tabs will appear for your selected device from which tap on Settings.
5. Tap on Anti-Theft Tab.
6. Enter PIN confirm PIN again.
7. Tap on save to change PIN number for your device.

Then try to unlock your mobile device.

Vishnu Vardan

Hi Asogun,

We will help you to get this issue resolved.

We request you to reset the PIN for AVG Anti-theft feature by following the below instructions:

PIN Reset:

1. Click on the following link http://my.avg.com
2. Login to anti-theft portal using the my account credentials
3. Select the device from the left panel you wish to reset the anti-theft pin.
4. New tabs will appear for your selected device from which tap on Settings.
5. Tap on Anti-Theft Tab.
6. Enter PIN confirm PIN again.
7. Tap on save to change PIN number for your device.

Then try to unlock your mobile device.

Vishnu Vardan

pls am in a trouble as my phone has been locked since morning by AVG anti theft. I swapped my sim cant renumber my password of avg anti theft its bee crazy.
 I unlocked in with #unlock# while it came up, I could don't get network service and tried to remove the sim. For the second  time and ever since,it just went out. Not even responding to the #unlock# cuss the sim doesn't connect anyone to service wile in the phone but connects if I put it in other phone.
Really don't knw what to do.
Details are:
Phonetype: INFINIX HOT 4
Phone NUMB: +2348038345836
mail: asogunsmithng@yahoo.com. or asogunsmithng@gmail.com
A day without my phone has been like HELL