Unable to install AVG Antivirus Free

Hello Morhys. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I kindly request you to have a look at this article http://avgread.me/1IVrUjI to continue with the installation. Thank you.

Hello from the Left Coast.
I want to install AVG free antivirus but it fails. The errors are 0xc0070643. Other messages are "MSI engine: Failed to initialize the package." And "@AVGMSI_Error 27055". And "Context: Initialization, MSI action failed."

The PC is XP Professional SP3 with all patches. Windows Installer is 4.5.6001.22159. I think that an earlier version of AVG 2015 was installed but removed when the local disk failed. I ran the AVG Remover but it failed with a "Connection failed" message. MSE 4.4.304.0 is installed and runs correctly. No problems with Microsoft Update. Also manually removed AVG registry entries.

I looked that the mga*.log and it contains essentially the same information as is displayed when the installer quits. I downloaded the self extractor avg_free_x86_all_2015.ltst_222.exe, file version

How do I fix this? Thanks much.

Hello Morhys. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I kindly request you to have a look at this article http://avgread.me/1IVrUjI to continue with the installation. Thank you.