Unauthorize Charge by DRI* AVG technologies

Hi Piyush,

We acknowledge your refund request.
This could have happened due to auto renewal service enabled for your subscription.
To locate the charge, we have sent an email and requested few details.
Please revert to our email for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Team 

Mya I know on what basis I am charged with Rs 1178.82  on my card. I dont even use your product at all then on what basis you are charging  money to money??? Its completly Illegal yaar,. I need a refund of my money at any cost please. Donot cheat people like this yaar. I have full details of the transcations that you have charged to me. Can you please respond qickly on to this.. Its completly illegal yaar. How come you can charge like this when I dont even use your services at all.

Please respond to this , I am really in need of money and you guys are doing unauthorized transactions from my account.

Hi Piyush,

We acknowledge your refund request.
This could have happened due to auto renewal service enabled for your subscription.
To locate the charge, we have sent an email and requested few details.
Please revert to our email for further assistance.
Thank you.