Unexpected error code 0xe0010190

Hello Roy,

I am sorry to hear this. I appreciate your efforts in this matter.
I recommend you to get our additional support for which an email instruction has been sent to get further assistance.
If the email is not found in the inbox, do check in spam and junk folders once.
Thank you.

Trying to install AVG ultimate gave rise to "unexpected error 0xe0010190" . Then tried removing all AVG products using AVG Remover and tn reinstall AVG ultimate gave same error message. I then removed everything again and ended up with same message.

So I then tried removing everything and tried installing AVG free. Same error message.

Sony Laptop running Windows Vista service pack 2

Has anybody got any ideas.

Regards Roy Lockyer
Hello Roy,

I am sorry to hear this. I appreciate your efforts in this matter.
I recommend you to get our additional support for which an email instruction has been sent to get further assistance.
If the email is not found in the inbox, do check in spam and junk folders once.
Thank you.