Uninstalling AVG ZEN

Hello Peter. Unfortunately, you can not uninstall AVG Zen without uninstalling AVG Internet security and AVG PC Tuneup first. Please follow the instructions in this article http://bit.ly/1PcxDs2 to uninstall AVG Zen. Please feel free to contact us back should you need any further assistance.

Hello Peter. Unfortunately, you can not uninstall AVG Zen without uninstalling AVG Internet security and AVG PC Tuneup first. Please follow the instructions in this article http://bit.ly/1PcxDs2 to uninstall AVG Zen. Please feel free to contact us back should you need any further assistance.

I have AVG Internet Security and PC Tune Up running but I do not want to use ZEN. How can I uninstall ZEN without having to go through the entire uninstall for my other AVG products? Thanks for whatever advise you can offer.