Unknown Product for License

Hello Ramona,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you please provide us the first 5 digit of your licene number? so that we can assist you in providing the steps to install it.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

I am trying to install AVG on a new laptop. I have the license # and it's been uninstalled from old laptop but I don't know which product it is for...
Anyone know how to get around this ? Thank you

No sorry, still the same result :frowning:

Hi, Have I lost contact ? Don't leave me now :o

Hello Ramona,
We certainly understand your concern. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.

Ramona, Did you use the McAfee total removal tool… (http://download.mcafee.com/products/licensed/cust_support_patches/MCPR.exe)?.
AVG Guru

Hi, Thanks again so much. I am still having difficulty. I have uninstalled the trial 30 day product that I had inadvertetly downloaded in last night's 4 hour attempt to install my product  BUT now when I use oyur link, I am given this box  : User-added image 

I am so shocked to recieve a reply… I've been fighting this for 4 hours now ! The license starts with IMXVZ… Thank you!

Hello Ramona,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you please provide us the first 5 digit of your licene number? so that we can assist you in providing the steps to install it.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

Hello Ramona,
Thank you for your quick reply.
Due to security reason it is advised not to post your license number. The product you are having is AVG Internet Security. To install AVG Internet Security please click on the following link http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/AVG_Internet_Security_742.exe download and install the file. When you run the file it will request you for license number please enter the full license number and then proceed with installation.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.