Unlocking my security code on my phone

I Removed my sim and replaced it and my phone locked and i; can't rember any password i put in it is asking for a privacy protection password.

I changed my phone locking code this night and I can't remember it. Please show me a way out.

Hello Obinna.
I am sorry to hear that, I kindly request you to have a look at this article http://bit.ly/1JEloSz to unlock your mobile phone. and if the issue still persists please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and fill out necessary details and click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with appropriate resolution.
Thank you.
I Removed my sim and replaced it and my phone locked and i; can't rember any password i put in it is asking for a privacy protection password.

I Removed my sim and replaced it and my phone locked and i; can't rember any password i put in it is asking for a privacy protection passwo