Unlocking phone as the sim was changed

Hello Fazlur, To unlock your phone have a look at this article http://bit.ly/1MsrvwZ . If that doesn't works please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and fill out your details, select as android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description explain about your issue completely and finally click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.

i changed the sim myself but the mobile phone was under anti theft of avg it got locked , i could not open my phone even after sending unlock command from avg website,the phone is not actually not stolen

Hello Fazlur, To unlock your phone have a look at this article http://bit.ly/1MsrvwZ . If that doesn't works please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and fill out your details, select as android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description explain about your issue completely and finally click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.