Updates Failing

Hello Booker. I am sorry to hear about any inconvenience caused to you in this matter. We are experiencing an issue with online updates and we are working on a fix for that. You will be notified once there is a fix. Appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you.

Earlier this week I updated my avg antivirus free. Prior to this everything worked. Now the "identity protection" is disabled. I have use the "fix it" button and i have gone and tried to manually enable the identity protection. In both situations the "identity protection" is enabled of about 1 second and then it is turned to "disabled"
How do I get the identity protection is stay enabled?
Thanks is advance.

Hi all,
For help on this issue please try install all Windows updates including Service pack 3 and let us know if it helps.

Hi Martin and AVG User, some people are facing this issue at the moment. AVG is working on to fix the issue. AVG User at present you can update AVG manually. Follow the steps in the thread above.

Martin, once AVG fix the issue you will see that AVG will update automatically. It is not possible to contact every indvidual as you can understand. Thanks.

Yay! Finally! Thank you!. I, too, use XP SP2 and refuse to update to SP3 because of all the issues I've read about it. (I created an account here just to follow this thread and to make this comment.) I've read every single comment, and as others have said, it's the lack of communication that has been so frustrating. I'm sure it was difficult to pinpoint the problem being SP2, but more communication would have helped us to know that you were still working on the problem, and actually did care.

Hopefully the chicken will get well in the next week. (See comment about the chicken way back there somewhere.)

Hi all,
New certificate should be out, can you please confirm that updates are working?

Hi, I changed to trial paid version- downloaded manual updates- updated then downgraded to free again,
All worked fine after days of trying to update.
Hope it helps someone else.

No can do…I’m running an AMD processor and there are known issues with XP SP3 and this processor…
Since I do not have some of the advantages of SP 3 on my machine, I have been comfortably running a “good” anti virus program (AVG) for several years to further strengthen my security.
STILL to be unanswered is why – all of a sudden – EVERYTHING HAS CHANED…
Still waiting along with others…I remain hopeful…but a quick peek at today’s posts reveals more of the same…”Update Failed” posts.
For me…ONE FULL MONTH…(in two more days)…So I guess I’m past the “righteous indignation”  phase and have jumped to the more incredulous  “HOW can this be POSSIBLE” phase that we are STILL dealing with an issue that leaves many users potentially at risk without on - going manual updates???
Just a rhetorical question…not really looking for an answer…
Greg H

Merriam-Webster defines communication thusly:
“the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or EXCHANGE information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else”
Caps are mine…
Good on ya…please keep us good folks in the loop…
Greg H

Yep, I've been passively watching.  I found an answer on another thread that said to update to XP SP3, so I did.  I hope I did the right thing.

Wow what an omnishambles this is from AVG. I too am a frustrated XP user who has been experiencing problems for weeks now as AVG is not doing the auto updates. I have followed numerous threads and uninstalled and reinstalled and the problem still persists.

For AVG to just say they are working on the problem and a month later to still have no solution does not exactly fill me with confidence, even with the free AVG version. This is very frustrating and concerning as my laptop has experienced a noticeable slow down since this problem started and I'm concerned this AVG problem has led my laptop to be compromised. The lack of updates from AVG themselves is not reassuring.

Also massive thanks to Greg who seems to be offering a more comprehensive and personal support service for the non IT gifted like myself than the AVG staff, so thanks Greg (raises a glass in your honour). I've just tried doing the manual update again following Gregs advice and downloaded the virus definitions and the core module and all necessary modules update for my 32bit machine , AVG is currently taking ages analysing and installing updates so I am yet to find out if it has worked, but this whole episode has been a car crash so far. Come on AVG what is going on?

Still no advance of getting this fixed? Like someone above I installed the trial version (to get around the problem with the free version not updating) Unlike them unlike them it did not fix anything for me. Still failing to update.Like others, the manual update route does not help as I get error messages that way. I too thought it might be OS related as I'm still runing XP on this machine.
Does anyone know the latest AGV company response? Trust is rapidly fading here!

I been having problems updating for the past week, and wish I new what was going on… is this on my side or AVG's update thing not working right, I keep getting the message to check my connection to the internet, as it cannot be reached… I am about to find another virus protection, as you can tell by this post my internet is connected so it must be something with AVG that their not looking into or letting us know they are trying to find the problem, as it can not be all of us with this same problem with our computers… it has to be with AVG updater not working properly and they are not letting us know to let them find the problem but to blame our equipment or computer for this.

Excellent suggestion Greg, many thanks.
I, being quite paranoid would, recommend that we update daily.
Even when automatic update worked, mine was set for 5 am every day. I would do intra-day updates and always found new files so there you have it, do it daily, at least once.
Manually a pain but worst problem having to remove viruses !
Hopefully AVG free will get auto update fixed soon…ish by AVG support/development.

To be fair to Zbynek, updating to SP3 may not be a "suggested fix" so much as "an attempt to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem". If people report that doing so kicks AVG's updating system back into gear, then that'd presumably make it easier for their developers to develop a "real" fix.

Presumably they don't have access to SP2 installations themselves, though potential reasons for that escape me. I mean, surely they'd understand that those of us who've held back this long (put me down as another SP2 user who hasn't seen an automatic update in a month, by the way) have reasons for that.

Created an account specifically to respond to this thread.  I also run WinXP SP2 on machines in my network, one physical, the rest virtual.  Upgrading to SP3 is not an option.  SP3 created performance limitations not present in SP2.  SP3 continues to have compatibility issues with certain platforms.  SP3 is incompatible with some software (apparently, now AVG is included).  There are still a number of major companies for whom WinXP SP2 is a necessary requirement.  For a selection of users that is not insignificant, let me repeat: upgrading to SP3 is not an option.

I tried a fresh install of AVG this morning after uninstalling Avast AV (which, as of today's update, began blocking programs and customizations used on the XP machines AND suddenly and arbitrarily started blocking websites that I utilise daily due to certificates).  Since AVG DOES NOT WORK right out of the box, I'm sorry to say that I'll not waste time waiting for solutions.

COMODO offers rock-solid protection (albeit, it's really hands-on setting it up), but I was concerned about resource usage.  It still beats an AV that has apparently left part of its constituency waiting for OVER A MONTH for a solution.

I'm having the same problem as others in this thread.  I also was away from mid-June to July 4th and cannot get auto updates.  Would be nice to have notice on AVG's website notifying users that there is a problem.  Has problem been resolved?  What needs to be done to get fix onto my computer?  I spent many hours trying to troubleshoot without knowing I was not the only one having this problem.

This is starting to look like real-soon-now-ware. You know, pat the customer on the head and say "There, there, we'll have that fixed real soon now…"

Het, AVG! You have identified the problem, how about an estimate on the solution schedule.

Well…I have been experiencing SUCCESSFUL AUTO – UPATES for the past several days now.
HOW BOUT YA’LL…          
Could it Be…Could it be???..
A quick look at today’s (8/11) postings in support verify a sharp decrease in the “Updates Failing” posts…
Course you gotta get past the attack from uj34… DAMN…that’s a PERSISTENT SUCKER…
Just to see if anyone at AVG is following… some quick research from an old fart (that’s ME) indicates the attacker’s uj34 handle probably originates in a forum based in the UK… goes by the name of The Student Room…an “educational” site boasting the largest student community in the world - over 1.8m members.
Low bar to enter…easy to to remain anonymous and hide behind the user ID.
So…guess may haps some aspect of the recent difficulties experienced by users of AVG could be the base line for this attack.
A search of this site for “uj34”… or “bhaby love” gets no hits…no big surprise there.
THIS ball’s squarely in AVG’s court…if they wanna pursue …OR not…
ANY HOO…are ya’ll getting PROPERLY UPDATED OR NOT???
Please don’t keep an old man hanging after ALL WE”VE BEEN THROUGH TOGETHER…

YES…or NO…

Hey Diane…

Yeah…been pretty quiet around here lately. Hopefully everyone has moved on after experiencing successful updates…

Thanks for the post… A person can NEVER have too many Happy dances…
