Hello, greetings from AVG!
We regret the inconvenience caused.
I'd request you to boot your PC in safe mode and uninstall AVG AntiVirus free.
Then restart in normal mode and install AVG AntiVirus free again to resolve the issue.
AVG was uninstalled successfully using AVG Clear. Re-installation and initial scan were successful.
Virus definitions are still do not update.
I am running Windows 8.1 & I am unable to update my virus definitions. When I ask AVG to update them, it gets stuck checking for definitions and works for quite a while. Eventually it stops attempting to update and just goes back to telling me the virus definitions are out of date (release date September 4, 2020 9:45 PM ver. 200825-2). No error message is given. The program also tells me my application is up to date - ver. 20.6.3135 build 20.6.5495.588.
I have attempted this fix:
but I can't get past Step 3. Before I can reach the Setup Wizard, I get the error message: "You do not have sufficient access to uninstall AVG AntiVirus FREE. Please contact your system administrator." My account is logged in as the administrator.
Any suggestions?
Appreciate your efforts in working towards fixing the issue.
It seems that there are few network interruptions during the installation process. In this regard, we'd suggest you to perform a clean installation.
To do so, follow the steps in below provided articles :
Uninstall AVG using AVG Clear
Download, install AVG Free Antivirus offline installer
Please try the above step & let us know if it helps.
We're sorry to know that. In this regard, we'd suggest you to check updating the virus definitions after connecting to a different network such as wired network, mobile hotspot, etc.
Alternately, you can try downloading the offline update by clicking on this link.
Hello, greetings from AVG!
We regret the inconvenience caused.
I'd request you to boot your PC in safe mode and uninstall AVG AntiVirus free.
Then restart in normal mode and install AVG AntiVirus free again to resolve the issue.
We're glad that you've successfully installed AVG on your computer.
From your message, it seems that the program on your computer is unable to communicate with our server. In this regard, we'd suggest you to follow the steps in this article to change DNS settings once & check if it helps.
I attempted this. Uninstall was successful, but when I tried to re-install I got the message "There was an error while completing the setup process." Here is the setup log:
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]Command: '"C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\instup.exe" /sfx:lite /sfxstorage:C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1 /edition:15 /prod:ais /is_avg_product /guid:a53c9155-259f-4967-bbbb-34304bfa4ffe /ga_clientid:f7dc7a45-d99c-46e7-8d9b-37a7374e088f /cookie:mmm_bav_001_999_a4i_m /ga_clientid:f7dc7a45-d99c-46e7-8d9b-37a7374e088f /edat_dir:C:\Windows\Temp\asw.5818853b761bbe50'
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz,8
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]OS: Windows 8.1 x64
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]setup: x64
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]Memory: 13% load. Phys:14358032/16657468K free, Page:16636752/19147836K free, Virt:135291327172/137438953344K free
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]DISKs: C:\ - 333904MB free / 372GB total
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]DISKs: D:\ - 549852MB free / 537GB total
2020-09-05 17:54:58.938Infoinstup[3296,1112]Running module version: instup.exe - '20.7.5568.0'
2020-09-05 17:54:58.939Infoinstup[3296,1112]Running module version: Instup.dll - '20.7.5568.0'
2020-09-05 17:54:58.941Infomutex[3296,1112]The ownership of the fallback mutex has been successfully taken.
2020-09-05 17:54:58.944Infoshepsync[3296,1112]Wait interval 60
2020-09-05 17:54:58.944Infoini_access[3296,2828]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\config.ini started
2020-09-05 17:54:58.944Infoini_access[3296,2828]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\servers.def started
2020-09-05 17:54:58.945Infoini_access[3296,2828]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\config.def started
2020-09-05 17:54:58.945Infoini_access[3296,2828]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\settings.ini started
2020-09-05 17:54:59.027Infoshepsync[3296,1112]Trying server IP address ''
2020-09-05 17:54:59.978Infoshepsync[3296,1112]Download of config file config.def from shepherd.avcdn.net succeeded.
2020-09-05 17:54:59.978Infoshepsync[3296,1112]Config file C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\config.def successfully updated to version 1253
2020-09-05 17:55:02.988Infoshepsync[3296,1112]Postpone interval was reset
2020-09-05 17:55:03.024Infoini_access[3296,1020]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\burger_client.ini started
2020-09-05 17:55:03.025Infowizard[3296,1112]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - '20.7.5568.0'
2020-09-05 17:55:03.040Infowizard[3296,1112]Loaded module version: C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\HTMLayout.dll - '20.7.5568.0'
2020-09-05 17:55:03.099Infowizard[3296,1112]Setup gui was successfully started.
2020-09-05 17:55:03.099Infoinstcore[3296,1112]Sfx setup update has started.
2020-09-05 17:55:03.103Noticeservers[3296,1112]Load: 'urlpgm' key used as the program repository.
2020-09-05 17:55:03.105Infoservers[3296,1112]Server definition(s) loaded from 'C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\servers.def'
2020-09-05 17:55:04.390ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 1258 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:04.405Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'c5210829.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:04.452Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:04.515Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'v6032928.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:04.530Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'x7636391.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:04.546Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y5730539.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:04.562Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y7555348.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.077ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 2488 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:07.159Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'c5210829.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.175Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.186Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'v6032928.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.197Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'x7636391.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.216Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y5730539.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:07.249Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y7555348.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:08.532ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 1257 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:09.837ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 1253 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:19.907ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 5012 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:19.941Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'b0048640.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:19.964Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'c5210829.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:19.986Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'g3570313.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:20.019Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'j0952158.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:20.063Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'r3277619.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:20.097Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.643ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 2509 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:22.675Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'b0048640.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.690Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'c5210829.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.722Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'g3570313.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.737Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'j0952158.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.768Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'r3277619.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:22.784Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:27.818ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 4989 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:32.878ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 5001 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:42.948ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 4999 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:43.017Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'l2894109.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:43.039Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:43.061Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'v6032928.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:43.084Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'x7636391.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:43.106Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y4426954.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:43.128Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y9632462.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv4 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:46.918ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 3763 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:46.956Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'l2894109.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:46.977Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 's-iavs9x.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:46.993Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'v6032928.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:47.008Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'x7636391.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:47.040Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y4426954.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:47.055Errordnsqueryex[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve host 'y9632462.iavs9x.avg.u.avcdn.net' into IPv6 after 0 ms
2020-09-05 17:55:52.101ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 5009 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:57.136ErrorAres[3296,1112]{ctx} Unable to resolve hosts after 4996 ms (258, The wait operation timed out.)
2020-09-05 17:55:57.183Errordldwrap[3296,1112]HttpGet: dns resolves were not successfull during 'servers.def.vpx' downloading
2020-09-05 17:56:03.011Infoini_access[3296,4736]watch task termination for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\settings.ini requested
2020-09-05 17:56:03.011Infoini_access[3296,4736]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\settings.ini gracefully terminated
2020-09-05 17:56:03.011Infoini_access[3296,4736]watch task termination for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\burger_client.ini requested
2020-09-05 17:56:03.011Infoini_access[3296,4736]watch task for C:\Windows\Temp\asw.8eb8deecda6792b1\burger_client.ini gracefully terminated
2020-09-05 17:56:03.012Infoini_access[3296,5508]watch task for C:\ProgramData\AVG\Antivirus\burger_client.ini started