Upgrade both AVG InternetSecurity and AVG PC TuneUp to AVG Ultimate

Hi Camela,

We will help you with the neccesary information.

Please contact us through a separate post to check your account details.

Hi Edison,

We understand your concern.

AVG Ultimate is bundled package of AVG Internet Security Unlimited and AVG TuneUp Unlimited. Since you have both the products under your account, you need not have to purchase the AVG Ultimate again.

Thank you for understanding.

Oh thanks! sounds simple enough. I'm gonna look into it this weekend. thanks for the help! cheers!

It's almost the 25th and it's payday. I've been looking into upgrading both subscriptions into a single subscription but now when I logged in to my account, the option to upgrade to AVG Ultimate is missing. I was going to upgrade it last year but I forgot that the AVG PC TuneUp billing already got paid (I was supposed to upgrade both into a single AVG Ultimate subscription). 
My PC TuneUp will be billed at June 14 and InternetSecurity at July 28. I really want to change those subscriptions into a single AVG Ultimate (start billing from May 25-26 something) and cancel the current subscriptions.

Oh thanks! sounds simple enough. I'm gonna look into it this weekend. thanks for the help! cheers!

You can contact our sales support http://avgclick.me/AVGsales via online chat to perform this upgrade. 
Else, you can purchase AVG Ultimate via online and register it to add the remaining days to current subscriptions.

Okay, since they are billed separately, how do I change these two separate subscriptions into a single AVG Ultimate subscription?

Hi Edison,

We understand your concern.

AVG Ultimate is bundled package of AVG Internet Security Unlimited and AVG TuneUp Unlimited. Since you have both the products under your account, you need not have to purchase the AVG Ultimate again.

Thank you for understanding.

Our pleasure, Edison. Thank you for reaching us. Have a great day!