Upgraded service


I upgraded my AVG Anti-virus -1 Computer to the Internet Security - Unlimited last year, but I was just charged for the original Antivirus renewal again.  I thought the Internet Security was an upgrade to my Original Anti-virus with more features and covering all my devices.

I assumed the original anti-virus subscription would be cancelled/replaced by the new Internet Security one?

How do I cancel the original anti-virus subscription, or do I not understand how the different products and subscriptions work?


Hello Dane,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
The concept of AVG Unlimited devices differs from the AVG products that uses the license number.
So the upgrade to AVG Unlimited devices subscription will not be done from the previous licensed product.
As per our record, your license for AVG Anti-Virus  had the auto renewal in active state and that is the reason you have been charged recently for the renewal.
For applying refund for this renewal please use this link: https://support.avg.com/RefundForm and then mention the order ID of the recent renewal.

Hello Dane,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
The concept of AVG Unlimited devices differs from the AVG products that uses the license number.
So the upgrade to AVG Unlimited devices subscription will not be done from the previous licensed product.
As per our record, your license for AVG Anti-Virus  had the auto renewal in active state and that is the reason you have been charged recently for the renewal.
For applying refund for this renewal please use this link: https://support.avg.com/RefundForm and then mention the order ID of the recent renewal.