URGENT!: Detection by Ransomware Protection

Note: The program did unistalled (succeded) and now wants to restart PC…I am reluctant to restart this PC unitil I have advice form AVG. ALERT remains: 0a7d6b7df41d/2022-08-10T21:39:29.482Z

Good morning or maybe not,


This morning, I had just completed updating my WIN10 and was in the middle of uninstalling a file/program/app named "Baboloka" (unsure of spelling) when AVG Ransomware Protection alerted that 'appun-1.exe' is trying to change or delete the file 'BUNISTALL.BMP' in a protected folder.

the Alert code is: 0a7d6b7df41d/2022-08-10T21:39:29.482Z


I have a screenshot to upload.I have not clicked "Block App' or 'Allow' App.


What shall I do?

Thank you for updating the status, Marcus.

Glad to hear that you were able to restart your device without any issues.
Feel free to get back to us if you need further assistance from AVG.
We'd be happy to help you. Have a great day!

Thanks...yes, I have blocked this ...I also searched for the floder and the file on my system but no resutt for my search. File (exe) and folder where it was detected are gone...I even turned on show hidden folders and file sand still no file or folder visible.


I will restart this PC and see what happens. Likely now nothing will happen...finegers crossed. ;)

Hi Marcus,

The AVG Ransomware Protection will notify the user if a program tries to modify their documents/files. If the user knows/trusts the program and if the user is editing it, they can allow the app. Otherwise, they can block the file/app from making any further changes.
Since you suspect that this program could be malicious in nature, we'd recommend that you block the program from making any further changes and then restart your computer.
Let us know if you have further queries.

You're welcome, Marcus.

Please keep monitoring the situation & get back to us if the issue resurfaces.
Also, if you prefer, we can offer you a free remote assistance to check/scan your device for any traces of malware using our designated tool.
Let us know if you'd like to take advantage of the free remote service.

Note: The program did unistalled (succeded) and now wants to restart PC…I am reluctant to restart this PC unitil I have advice form AVG. ALERT remains: 0a7d6b7df41d/2022-08-10T21:39:29.482Z

All removed without further issue, restart was successful…thanks for your help :wink: