URL phishing false positive for my website

Hello Gustavo,

Yes, we received your false positive form. Our developers will check and get back to you via email if needed.

Your patience is much appreciated.

Hi Ranjani, Any update about it?
A lot of our user use AVG and they are blocked! please!

Hi, our site is blocked by a false positive for url phishing, please, add it to a white list!
(I alredy sent the false positive form)


Note we use many subdomains for the same pages

Hello Gustavo,

Yes, we received your false positive form. Our developers will check and get back to you via email if needed.

Your patience is much appreciated.

Gustavo, your case is being reviewed by our team for analysis. 

You will be receiving an e-mail from them. We appreciate your patience.

Hi Ranjani, Any update about it?
A lot of our user use AVG and they are blocked! please!