USB not recognised message on Windows 10

Thank you Ranjani for your reply. Since writing I have uninstalled and reinstalled Driver Updater and it seems to be working OK. Will get back if further troubles encountered.Gary.

Driver Updater tells me there are no out of date drivers yet it appears this message USB Not recognised is related to a driver problem.
Any suggestions please? 

Pleased to see that the issue appear to be sorted now. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting. We appreciate all your efforts and patience. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. We work round the clock, thank you!

Thank you Ranjani for your reply. Since writing I have uninstalled and reinstalled Driver Updater and it seems to be working OK. Will get back if further troubles encountered.Gary.

I understand your concern, are you getting the message for a particular USB drive or for any USB device?

I understand your concern, are you getting the message for a particular USB drive or for any USB device?