Jim, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings regarding & around basically the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DuNsAAK).
AVG Guru
Rescue disk says it command line access to file directory
I cannot seem to get the file name to update with an MV command
Cannot get phone support because the corruption problem is an update to a free version of AVG
Trying to 'un install' AVG but AVG is preventing Vista Boot
Help… suggestions
Jim, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings regarding & around basically the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DuNsAAK).
AVG Guru