Other user Bob Novell posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=9060N000000g9I7QAI).
AVG Guru
Using Rescue CD from USB - goes so far and quits - have photo of screen and transcript of part of it
I'm trying to use theRescue CD on a USB memory stick.
I got it to run once but have problems now.
When I was able to run it and get to the main menu, I used the Update feature to update from files I had downloaded.
I was able to go to the directory on C: where I'd downloaded the updates but when I selected the directory, it failed saying that bin file was not found.
I tried coping the update files to the USB stick and tried again. Ever since then I've not been able to get it to boot completely.
The files in the directory where I downloaded the updates are:
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 4252-E832
Directory of C:\AVG Rescue
09/05/2018 02:19 PM <DIR> .
09/05/2018 02:19 PM <DIR> ..
09/05/2018 02:49 AM <DIR> AVG Rescue CD unzipped
09/05/2018 02:46 AM 178,114,560 avg_arl_cdi_all_120_160420a12074.iso
09/05/2018 02:47 AM 209,180,149 avg_arl_ffi_all_120_160420a12074.zip
09/05/2018 02:41 AM 155,845,778 u16iavi15883dr.bin
09/05/2018 02:19 AM 113,586 u16ichjw4ai.bin
09/05/2018 02:19 AM 635,285 u16ifw240fk.bin
09/05/2018 02:19 AM 8,726,105 w16corea4793hp.bin
09/05/2018 02:20 AM 4,698,665 w16corex4793qy.bin
09/05/2018 02:19 AM 921,489 x16all3455ck.bin
9 File(s) 558,235,617 bytes
3 Dir(s) 540,217,454,592 bytes free
I've also tied with a DVD (don't have any blank CDs so I used a DVD - any problem with that?) with the same results - doesn't get to the main menu.
I took a photo of the screen, it is shown below. Since it is a large image and will be difficult to read here, you can see it at http://thetesting.site/img/IMG_3531%20resized.jpg
Here is part of the text on the screen from the last try with a USB stick. I did nothing but run the setup.exe for the Rescue CD to put it on the USB stick. I did delete everything on the USB stick before running setup.exe
activate raids
mounting usb flash drive
winBoot = 0
trying to find arl_roofs.ext2 root file system: attempt 1
found /dev/sdb: USB Flash Memory
trying to mount partition /dev/sdb/
mount: mouting /dev/sdb/on /mnt/usb failed: Invalid arguement
tryting to mount partition as NTFS /dev/sdb
[ 4.9933851] fuse init (API version 7.23)
partition /dev/sdb mounted on /mnt/usb
checking arl_rootfs.ext2 file system
/mnt/usb/arl_rootfs.ext2: Filesystem did not have a UUID: generating one.
/mnt/usb/arl_rootfs.ext2: lean, 3520/1466360
[ 7.396304] random: nonblocking pool is initilized
activate raids
mounting usb flash drive
winBoot = 0
trying to find arl_roofs.ext2 root file system: attempt 1
found /dev/sdb: USB Flash Memory
trying to mount partition /dev/sdb/
mount: mouting /dev/sdb/on /mnt/usb failed: Invalid arguement
tryting to mount partition as NTFS /dev/sdb
[ 4.9933851] fuse init (API version 7.23)
partition /dev/sdb mounted on /mnt/usb
checking arl_rootfs.ext2 file system
/mnt/usb/arl_rootfs.ext2: Filesystem did not have a UUID: generating one.
/mnt/usb/arl_rootfs.ext2: lean, 3520/1466360
[ 7.396304] random: nonblocking pool is initilized
After that last line, the cursor begins flashing and nothing else happens - I left it running for several minutes but it did not go any further.
As I said, I was able to get the USB and CD copies to work the first time but no more.
I downloaded the iso and zip files and used them on the last try.
I'm going to make a new DVD and try it. I'll update or submit a reply to this post with the results.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Other user Bob Novell posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=9060N000000g9I7QAI).
AVG Guru