Using uploaded digitalfoto's in other programs

Hello Bert.
Thank you for taking time to let us know.
It is probably 'File Shield' in AVG Internet Security which actively scans all programs and files on your hard drive as they are opened, run, modified, and saved. If malware is detected, File Shield prevents the program or file from infecting your PC.
Could you let us know how exactly did you come around this?
I started a session with MAGIX support who takes over my laptop.
The priority off several AVG programs where lowered:
AVG INTERNET SECURITY became a "background" process
This was a save solution because I always optimize my pictures offline.
I use a product of MAGIX to optimise my pictures.
But AVG INTERNET-SECURITY first scans al induvidual foto''s  so its take an long time before i can start optimizing and sometimes the MAGIX-software stops.
Also scanning my computer has no effect before using for optimizing the uploaded foto from the memmorycard is scanned again.
Be aware of this overwork of AVG Protection 
Magix-support helped me out but I want you to known
Bert, it would be better to help, if you could help us with some information. 
Do you mean that you'd like to optimize your photos only through Magix (offline)?
May I know what exactly happened during the remote session with Magix support? Does AVG block the process of optimising pictures using Magix? If yes, you can add Magix software in exceptions as referred here ( and check the status.
Awaiting your reply and we are eager to help you further!