V17 Impossible to do anything with files in Quarantine - Vault

Hello John,
We regret for the inconvenience. Could you please send the screenshot of  the Quarantine, so that we can assist further? Please click on the following link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot to send the screen shot.
Thank you.

Did you get my screen picture? or was I to email it ?

After an auto upgrade on all of my family PC's from AVG Ultimate V16 to V17.3.3011 files detected after initial scans were auto sent to quarantine / vault (all false detection). It is impossible to do anything with them in the vault. When you check mark the file it automatically unchecks before you can select an opterion (restore/delete/send/save) so now I have critical files stuck in some unknown location that are needed. My AVG V16  was auto updated to V17 2 months back with this very same problem, I had to uninstall V17 and reinstall V16 from an old copy. Its extremely dissapointing that this same BUG & FAULT still exists and was never fixed. The same BUG on Win10 & Win7 pc's so not just some isolated case. How can I recover my lost files? When is this untested V17 actually going to get fixed? Do I need to find another competing internet security solution? 

Did you get my screen picture? or was I to email it ?

Ok I have a screen picture but post it here or ?Quarantine

Hello John,
We regret for the inconvenience. Could you please send the screenshot of  the Quarantine, so that we can assist further? Please click on the following link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot to send the screen shot.
Thank you.

Sorry for my English.
I too have problem myself.
I will never recommend this product again.

John, Your screenshots are visible on the Community.
AVG Guru

Sorry for my English.
I too have problem myself.
I will never recommend this product again.