Hello Marcel.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, https://translate.google.com/) to read our message.
It could be possible that you did not activate the AVG app using the paid activation code.
I have sent an email containing instructions to activate AVG, please check your inbox and spam box as well.
hallo beste medewerker van AVG mijn abonnement is 15 juli verlengt en is 120 euro van mijn rekening afgeschreven. echter is bij jullie denk ik wat mis gegaan want ik heb nu alleen basic op mijn computer terwijl ik alles in 1 abonnement heb. (ultimait)
wat kan hier de oorzaak van zijn en wat is er mis gegaan??
hoor graag van jullie,
met vriendelijke groet Marcel.
Hello Marcel.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, https://translate.google.com/) to read our message.
It could be possible that you did not activate the AVG app using the paid activation code.
I have sent an email containing instructions to activate AVG, please check your inbox and spam box as well.
have checked my mail but have not received a message.
the only thing I received is a message that the payment was not successful. However, it has been debited from my account. I did purchase ultimait under the mail address lenss156@planet.nl but passed on the change under marcellenssen156 @ gmail. com
the only thing I received is a message that the payment was not successful. However, it has been debited from my account. I did purchase ultimait under the mail address lenss156@planet.nl but passed on the change under marcellenssen156 @ gmail. com