Will there come any option to check what devices are connected to my account?
If i installed Windows again on my laptop (what was connected to my account) will AVG see it as a new device.
I like to have an option to see it and if needed to delete an device from my account.
I have AVG Internet Security that supports 10 devices. I added a second Mac by connecting it to my account. Now how do I view how many devices are connected and what they are? Thank you.
We do not have the option to view what and how many devices are connected.
We had called that option in the past called Zen, now it has been discontinued.
Hello Naveed,
You've reached the AVG community support channel.
We regret to inform you that AVG programs do not offer a feature that allows users to check/manage the exact devices that are using their subscriptions. Reason being, privacy concerns.
In this case, we'd recommend that you share your feedback to our developers team from your AVG Internet Security program.
Open AVG Internet Security > Menu > About > Submit feedback/Report a bug.
Thank you for understanding in advance!
Hello, Richard
We do not have the option to view what and how many devices are connected.
We had called that option in the past called Zen, now it has been discontinued.