Virus annonced by windows

001-888-800-3111 Is this number is safe?


This might be a spam, let us know at what instance you are receiving this message. If the issue occur whenever you try to access browser, please close and reopen it to perform browser reset option.

Let us know if you face any difficulties.

I get a message from microsoft that if I do not caull nr. 001-888-800-3111 they will shut down my computer because I have a virus that indanger their system. I did scan my computer but the voice is keeping remind me. What shall I do.


This might be a spam, let us know at what instance you are receiving this message. If the issue occur whenever you try to access browser, please close and reopen it to perform browser reset option.

Let us know if you face any difficulties.


Are you able to close that message and access your PC? Have you tried to reset your browser and checked with it?

Hello Sandeep,

This number is not a safe one. To contact our AVG support, visit our website Official AVG Support | Help with PC, Mac, & Mobile Products

001-888-800-3111 Is this number is safe?

I got the a message on My pc saying the exact same thing. What should be done ?

I got the a message on My pc saying the exact same thing. What should be done ?