Virus Definition Updates

Hi Roger & Gordon,
                           You are not alone same problem and over three days without any updates , i have tried to update manualy but even that has stopped updating the virus definations. I was just about to uninstall /reinstall avg but having just read Gordon's comment's i dont think i will bother.

Hello Roger,
We're here to help.
Could you perform the virus definitions updates and mention the date that is displayed?
If it says as 2 or 3 days ago, then we have to collect logs and escalate it for analysis. Please keep us updated on the progress.

AGAIN.  Repeat.  AGAIN....having problems with my avg security NOT updating virus definitions.  AGAIN it has been 3 DAYS since last update.  THIS IS BECOMING A CONSTANT PROBLEM.  Seems as if others are also having this problem.  Do we need to find another Virus Protector???????

Hi Roger, like you, I am also suffering the same problem with no updates for over 3 days, and similar problems in recent weeks. Yesterday my local Computer dealer / engineers offered help and I asked them to try downlowding a "fresh" copy of AVG Internet Security after removing the "old" copy. This has made NO CHANGE and my latest version is dated 23 October. I am starting to lose all Confidence in AVG

Glad to know that, Gordon. Thank you for updating the status. Have a great day!

Yes.  Finally mine has a current update too.  Still, why is this CONSTANTLY happening?  I have been a loyal AVG user for as long as I can remember.  The Free AVG worked better than the one I am paying for.  My subscription is up in few months and unfortunately I WILL have to look as other options.  Sadly.

Priyanga Sekar, Why are you keep on lying for AVG/AVAST for? Each of you keep on saying that AVG is getting updated by streaming but the date for the virus database does not change for a few days. Plus you keep on saying that there is a BUG in the UI and thats is the problem. The real problem is that Avast/AVG is just not releasing the virus database each day or a few times every day. The issue that I have is that 1) none of the people who works for AVAST/AVG is just not telling the truth because of what your company posted on their web site. I will post it here for every one and with the link to it.

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A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Posted 4 days ago. Oct 23, 2019 - 10:09 EDT
Following the attack attempt on our network which we communicated on October 21, we thoroughly scrutinized all releases which led to the suspension of VPS updates for CloudCare AV for four days, which was an important precautionary measure to analyze them for any modified code. This is the reason for the delay in the delivery of VPS updates last week. We have since confirmed that the VPS updates are secure. As a second additional step, we implemented a process whereby product updates, including VPS updates, are thoroughly checked and updated every few days, instead on a daily basis. We are working hard on returning to our regular process of issuing daily VPS updates.
Despite these delays, we are confident to say that all of our users are protected. Avast’s threat detection systems consist of multiple layers of security and the automatically streamed updates that are being released continuously between the aggregate VPS updates run every 3-5 minutes to deliver virus definition data, and ensure that our business and consumer users remains fully protected at all times.
Posted 4 days ago. Oct 23, 2019 - 05:29 EDT
We are continuing to experience issues with the delivery of our virus definitions, and are working to resolve this as soon as possible.
The effect here is that devices will show as out-of-date/trigger configured alerts.
At this time, the most recent virus definitions have been deployed for the latest versions of Avast for Windows.
Avast's threat detection systems consist of multiple layers of security and the automatically streamed updates from the rest of the systems ensure that our users are still fully protected.
In the meantime, users can temporarily disable the "out-of-date virus definitions" alert within the CloudCare portal.

here is the link.  CloudCare Status - Virus Definition Update Delivery Degradation

My second issue is that because of your company is not updating the virus database, if someone does gets malware, its gives you a chance to charge them extra money to remove the malware in question. It seems like a very shady business model. So my question for AVAST/AVG is my are you lying and not updating the Virus Database? And please tell me and everyone else my we should use your products?

Hi folks,
I too have the same issue (and at least 10 other people i know!).  Just wondering, is it just a problem with the Dashboard saying we haven't had Updates for 3 days, or is it actually fact, that we haven't had Updates and as a consequence are not fully protected?

Hello Roger,
We're here to help.
Could you perform the virus definitions updates and mention the date that is displayed?
If it says as 2 or 3 days ago, then we have to collect logs and escalate it for analysis. Please keep us updated on the progress.

This isn't the experience we want you to have, Roger. 
It seems that there are few communication issues with our virus definitions server, which is being worked on by the concerned team. You can be rest assured that once they fix the issue, then virus definitions status would be back on track. 
If you re-consider, you can reach our billing team at the time of renewal to check the available offers & renew at a discounted price (as a good will gesture). Thank you for your understanding in advance!