Virus definitions 14 days out of date

Windows 10 Interner security (Deleted)

Internet Security will not update. Cannot reinstall
You're welcome, John.

Glad to know that your AVG Internet Security is working.
Feel free to write back to us for further queries.

Ran repair and re booted. " UI failed to load"

After some strange behaviour, hangups and freezes it seems to be working now. Thanks

We regret the inconvenience caused, John.

Since the Repair of AVG Internet Security didn't work, we suggest you uninstall and reinstall the AVG Internet Security and check if the issue still persists.
We've sent you an email with further instructions, please check your inbox/spam to find the email and use it to revert to us.

Windows 10 Interner security (Deleted)

We apologize for the inconvenience, John.

We suggest you repair your AVG Internet Security to fix the issue.
Refer to this article to repair your AVG Internet Security.
After the repair, restart your computer. Wait for a few minutes after the restart and check if the issue still persists.
Keep us posted.

Install function just hangs