Hello Alan,
We are here to help you.
Are you able to access the files when AVG Internet Security and AVG Secure VPN is turned on? Have you tried to disable AVG Internet Security and checked the status?
Did you uninstalled AVG Internet Security?
Refer the below article to fix the email issue when AVG Secure VPN is turned on:
I have checked my ftp log with vpn ON and for the required files it shows Error 550 no such file or directory exists. Could I suggest that vpn can use the avg security exceptions where I have set the path to the files I need. Or could vpn have its own exceptions list? With vpn OFF everything works as it should. The ftp log shows all the files sent.
I access 2 network files on 2 separate pc's for uploading to my website. I have set AVG exceptions with the pathways to both. With VPN switched off the access and upload work but the files are not accessed if vpn is on. I have used the avg clear app to uninstall all avg components and re-installed but this has not solved the problem.
On a positive note VPN overcomes the problem of spamhaus.org blocking emails but having to switch on and off (and my wife will forget to do that) is a nuisance.
Help !!
Sorry - it's a usb printer so I am bound to see it. BUT I have 2 airquality detecors on wifi and I can access them manually and strangely the programme that cannot access the network files is collecting data from the air quality detector. Without taking too much time the programme involved is Weather Display and I have two netbooks running sunshine detectors and it is those files that we cannot see. If it makes it any clearer my website is www.greatbosullow.net and there you would see the sunshine graphics files that are hard to get to.
Thanks for taking so much trouble
I am afraid I do't quite understand - I have just turned on a printer to default and printed so it is available with VPN ON.
I have tried setting VPN to turn on when connected to the internet but it does not seem to go to the ON position quickly enough using MS Outlook. It's a bit Catch 22 - with VPN on my website is messed up with it off the B****y spamhaus.org block my email send. Can't win
We regret for the inconvenience caused.
We have escalated the case to our senior team. We will get back to you once we get a reply from them.
Your patience is appreciated.
Thank you for waiting. AVG Secure VPN do not have exception list and we suggest you to try connecting peer to peer (P2P) as the ports offer better established security policies. Also AVG Secure VPN offers an optimized server for video streaming in multiple USA locations (i.e. Gotham City, USA), along with a European location (i.e. Wonderland, UK).
For more detailed information about AVG Secure VPN, have a look at the below link: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=AVG-Secure-VPN-FAQ
Hello Alan,
We are here to help you.
Are you able to access the files when AVG Internet Security and AVG Secure VPN is turned on? Have you tried to disable AVG Internet Security and checked the status?
Did you uninstalled AVG Internet Security?
Refer the below article to fix the email issue when AVG Secure VPN is turned on:
I can access the files through windows explorer (windoows 10 pro) although establishing the network is slow with both Securityand VPN turned on (the slowness might be the problem)… The programme that ftp's the website files cannot reach the network files I need. I have used avg clear to uninstall and then reinstalled AVG.
With VPN turned on I can send and receive emails and actually this prevents spamhaus from filtering my outgoing emails. So the only problem is that my website upload programme is unable to send the network files but DOES send the other files froom the main PC.
I hope that makes the problem clear.
Thank you for waiting. AVG Secure VPN do not have exception list and we suggest you to try connecting peer to peer (P2P) as the ports offer better established security policies. Also AVG Secure VPN offers an optimized server for video streaming in multiple USA locations (i.e. Gotham City, USA), along with a European location (i.e. Wonderland, UK).
For more detailed information about AVG Secure VPN, have a look at the below link: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=AVG-Secure-VPN-FAQ