VPN does not connect. "connexion error" message

Hi Philippe,
We appreciate your efforts in resolving the issue.
Let us change the DNS settings and verify the status. Please do refer the below steps:
1. Press Windows and R key simultaneously to open Run command.
2. In Run window, type as "ncpa.cpl" without the quotes and click on OK button.
3. In Network connections window, please right-click the connection you use, and select Properties.
4. Double-click the Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) item on the Networking tab.
5. Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. If there are any DNS server IP addresses listed there, write them down for future reference, and remove them from this window. Click OK.
6) Select Use the following DNS server addresses.
7) Click on Apply and Ok.
Keep monitoring the status and inform us here.

I am using a pay version of the software. AVG VPN was functionning on my computer since Nov.2018. Since several days, VPN connexion is not possible anymore. A message "connexion error" is appearing after few seconds.

I am currently using Winows 10 familly version 17763.503

Following points have already been tested:

  • Internet connexion without VPN is OK
  • I got the same message with different locations
  • No other VPN is running
  • Computer restarted: same issue
  • Fire wall configuration is correct
  • AVG licence still active
  •  Soft unistalled and reinstalled: same issue
Thank you in advance

We appreciate your efforts in trying to fix the issue. Please try to uninstall ( https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=Uninstall-AVG-Secure-VPN&supportType=home ) and reinstall ( https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=Install-AVG-Secure-VPN&supportType=home ) your AVG Secure VPN again to check if that helps. 
You can share the screenshot of error message if the issue persists, we will collect logs and escalate the case to our senior team for further analysis.