Thank you. I went through the steps you suggested. It changed nothing. For example, using Dallas, Texas as a location, ti is interpreted as U.K. Using Chicago sometimes gets interpreted as Chile, South America.
Hello, James
We regret the inconvenience caused here. This is not the experience we want the AVG product to provide.
I request you restart the services using the steps below and check if you are able to select the preferred location in the AVG Secure VPN'
Open run command 'Win + R' -> services.msc -> right click AVG Secure VPN -> Properties -> Automatic -> Apply
I know the location VPN uses is not my chosen location because I choose a U.S. location, but I get directed to foreign websites for local businesses, Home Depot, for example. I get prices in pounds instead of dollars.
It is still doint it.
I may need to ask for a refund, and get more reliable VPN software. It is not as if AVG VPN is free of charge.
I have read in AVG support section the excuses for VPN often using a foreign country rather than the U.S. city I choose. When will that be fixed? It is very annoying, and causes me to deactivate VPN to get proper data from the internet. Why keep VPN if it does not work properly? Why can't AVG correct the issue? It has been going on for a while.
I know the location VPN uses is not my chosen location because I choose a U.S. location, but I get directed to foreign websites for local businesses, Home Depot, for example. I get prices in pounds instead of dollars.
It is still doint it.
I may need to ask for a refund, and get more reliable VPN software. It is not as if AVG VPN is free of charge.
It is still doint it.
I may need to ask for a refund, and get more reliable VPN software. It is not as if AVG VPN is free of charge.
Hello, James
We regret the inconvenience caused here. This is not the experience we want the AVG product to provide.
I request you restart the services using the steps below and check if you are able to select the preferred location in the AVG Secure VPN'
Open run command 'Win + R' -> services.msc -> right click AVG Secure VPN -> Properties -> Automatic -> Apply
We regret the inconvenience caused here. This is not the experience we want the AVG product to provide.
I request you restart the services using the steps below and check if you are able to select the preferred location in the AVG Secure VPN'
Open run command 'Win + R' -> services.msc -> right click AVG Secure VPN -> Properties -> Automatic -> Apply