VPN not working with internet at all

Hello, Timothy

We will help you in this.
Disable the AVG Temporarily and check if you are able to access the internet when the AVG Secure VPN is turned On.
You can use the below link for the steps to disable AVG temporarily:
Keep us posted.
I tried what you suggested and it did work, as soon as I turn avg back on same thing internet blocked.
Everytime I turn VPN anything this that uses internet doesn't work, when I have it disabled the internet works great. I get connection_timed_out error. I have uninstalled and reinstalled restarted modem and computer changed locations. 
Appreciate your efforts, Tim. In order to further investigate on this, we'd suggest you to take advantage of our free remote assistance by following the steps in the email that has been sent to you. 
Thank you for your understanding in advance!

I tried what you suggested and it did work, as soon as I turn avg back on same thing internet blocked.