VPN Will Not Connect

Hello Michael,
We can certainly take a look into this. Please share a screenshot of the error message and also let us know the mac version to proceed further.
You can post the screenshot here on your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Dear AVG Team,
I have been experiencing same problem. I am still waiting for your reply. 
On the forums, I saw people has been experiencing same problem as me. I noticed none of them contains any solution. 
I asked specifically, if u found an answer and a member from AVG replied as yes, I need to open a case. 
I did. I sent an e-mail.
You asked some screenshots and information. 
I sent requested files. I provided information.
You replied my problem need to involve higher technicials to find a solution. I received an email inviting me to chat with technician. 
I connected as requested. Technician told me that, they cannot solve the issue and he took neccessary information and told me that he will revert the information to higher technicians. 
I am still waiting.
You still could not find the problem, even though I am not the only one who experiencing same problem.  
I am certain that I am not happy with your problem solving. I am not happy waiting for this long. 



Hello, I've just purchased AVG secure VPN for my MacBook. I've downloaded AVG Secure VPN, logging in, but when I try to turn the score VPN on I receive an error message that says "The VPN server did not respond. Verify the server address and try reconnecting." I've spoken with three members of the AVG tech support team and none of them were able to help. This is my last effort to get this VPN to work. If I cannot find the help I need here, I'm going to request a refund. (Note: I've uninstalled and reinstalled secure VPN numerous times.) Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

Please see error message below and I'm currently running macOS High Sierra, Version 10.13.2. 
Error Message

Thank you for the info, Mike. 
Some routers have the option to enable or disable IPsec, sometimes displayed as VPN passthrough. For Secure VPN to connect and function properly, ensure that IPsec or VPN passthrough is enabled.
Consult your firewall vendor (if any) to check that UDP port 500 and UDP port 4500 are open on your firewall.
We will forward to our senior team if the issue persists, keep us informed about its status.

Thank you for the screenshot Mike,
Let us know if you have tried to change the VPN location. If not, please open AVG Secure VPN > change location > click P2P > select a different P2P VPN location and try to connect.
If the issue still persists, please share a screenshot of the AVG Secure VPN user interface to proceed further.

I've just tried a few different locations under North America and the P2P option you suggested, still no luck. Please see attached image, is this what you're looking for?
AVG Secure VPN Main Window

Hello Michael,
We can certainly take a look into this. Please share a screenshot of the error message and also let us know the mac version to proceed further.
You can post the screenshot here on your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Hi Alper,

It would take time for our senior team to identify the root cause and provide a solution.
Your case is being investigated by concern team and you will get the status updated via email as early as possible.
Your patience is much appreciated.