Hello, John.
Do you mean you are unable to turn on the AVG Secure VPN? Please provide us with the screenshot ( http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot ) of your AVG Secure VPN program to assist you further. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Five days later and no answer to my last question, its like nobody,s there
I have been trying to fix this problem on my own, but to no avail.You asked which servers that i am conecting to. and how long after i conect do i run the tests.
1. I have tried all the severs
2. I have run the tests 5 minutes and one hour after starting the vpn client.
They all leak and it does not matter how long i wait to test them the outcome is the same, I even bought a new computer running windows 7 in the vain hope that by running win7 instead of win 10 there might be a difference, but no.
Not does it not make it better,but it in fact makes it worse,, win 7 leaks even more.
This seems to me to be a waste of my time and money, from what I have been able to un-cover is that if you live in Australia, your vpn will leak, there is a list of contries that do not allow your vpn to be completly privite and Australia is one of them.
It would have been nice to know this, before I bought a service that pretty much will never work properly. But never mind as long as (money money money) profits are made.
Not happy John
I have been trying to fix this problem on my own, but to no avail.You asked which servers that i am conecting to. and how long after i conect do i run the tests.
1. I have tried all the severs
2. I have run the tests 5 minutes and one hour after starting the vpn client.
They all leak and it does not matter how long i wait to test them the outcome is the same, I even bought a new computer running windows 7 in the vain hope that by running win7 instead of win 10 there might be a difference, but no.
Not does it not make it better,but it in fact makes it worse,, win 7 leaks even more.
This seems to me to be a waste of my time and money, from what I have been able to un-cover is that if you live in Australia, your vpn will leak, there is a list of contries that do not allow your vpn to be completly privite and Australia is one of them.
It would have been nice to know this, before I bought a service that pretty much will never work properly. But never mind as long as (money money money) profits are made.
Not happy John