Hello Lee,
We are sorry to know that your computer is stuck at watchdog screen. Please do not worry, to fix this issue, we suggest you to restart your computer in safe mode. Please click on this link for the steps to restart the computer in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode
Thank you.
My son had AVG Anitvirus on his laptop and the Watchdog Malware was downloaded to it. How do we remove the Watchdog Malware?
Hello Lee,
We are sorry to know that your computer is stuck at watchdog screen. Please do not worry, to fix this issue, we suggest you to restart your computer in safe mode. Please click on this link for the steps to restart the computer in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode
Thank you.
We are sorry to know that your computer is stuck at watchdog screen. Please do not worry, to fix this issue, we suggest you to restart your computer in safe mode. Please click on this link for the steps to restart the computer in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode
Thank you.