Web shield is blocking site I want to access

Hello Nick,

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.
If you suspect that this is a false detection made by AVG, we request you to submit the detected website for false-positive analysis using this link.
Once you've submitted the false-positive report, our concerned team will analyze the website & if found harmless, they'll whitelist it right away.
Furthermore, they'll update the status via email.
Thank you for understanding in advance!

AVG is blocking a Website I need to access to - it's a legitimate site I use for my business phone bills etc.

Threat Name    URL: Phishing
URL                  BT Business | Hub
Process            C:\Program Files   (X86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe
Detected by      Web Sheild
Status               Connection Aborted


Cannot see anyway of reversing this action within AVG.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Nick,

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.
If you suspect that this is a false detection made by AVG, we request you to submit the detected website for false-positive analysis using this link.
Once you've submitted the false-positive report, our concerned team will analyze the website & if found harmless, they'll whitelist it right away.
Furthermore, they'll update the status via email.
Thank you for understanding in advance!