When attempting to run PC TuneUp, 'The ordinal 2 could not be found in the dynamic link library tulic.dll' How do I fix this?

Joe? Just in windows do a search for that DLL by searching with a wildcard I.E. tulic.* It should at worse bring up a older version, and appear like tulic.01. Then rename it to tulic.dll and put it back into the proper Windows folder. This is a AVG file, and part of AVG PC Tuneup 2015, and this link should help you as well.     www.windowstechies.com/tulic.dll-fix    Hopes this helps you out.

Joe? Just in windows do a search for that DLL by searching with a wildcard I.E. tulic.* It should at worse bring up a older version, and appear like tulic.01. Then rename it to tulic.dll and put it back into the proper Windows folder. This is a AVG file, and part of AVG PC Tuneup 2015, and this link should help you as well.     www.windowstechies.com/tulic.dll-fix    Hopes this helps you out.