When did AVG become the DICTATOR of MY computer

Hello Marianna.

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The "jump through the hoops", "dance to AVG tune" has made this product something I cannot recommend to anyone who wants control of thewir computing environment.

FORCING what YOU may think is the proper password (MUST have a cap or "special" character - is FAR LESS "secure" than a password that I may use that is a combination of characters from current and ancient worlds. And, if you want to "save" people from themselves - find another simpler way to do it.

The 85+ year old man that owns this computer has nothing on here more ecotic than golf scores, solitaire and maybe a mahjong game or two. I, his daughter, has just encourage good security from the time he had other items on this hard drive.  I am now very disappointed that I continued to use this company. Tonight I hqve been given q keyboqrd ) out of the blue 7 in the ,iddle of this ,essqge:  Zhen he hqd NO qnti)virus softzqre the keyboqrd zorked just fine:  I think this is ,ore %prtection% thqn he needs:  Noz ) nobody cqn reqd it:

Hello Marianna.

Unfortunately, from your recent message, it was not clear to us how we can help you. Could you please specify your request and provide us with more details? Thank you for understanding. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.