When I run the maintence "Clean up Browser" I get the following message"Please close all open windows of the fellow browsers now: Google Chrome Chromum-based browser I have tried to close this but it doesn't work what do I do

Yes, It fixes all the problems it finds but the Clean-up-browser problems every time I run maintence I get the same message.

James / Louis, Have a look @ this new form link (http://https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form) to get chat/phone support. Otherwise, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) will see your topic & respond. Please bear in mind that today is a National holiday in Brno i.e. Independent Czechoslovak State Day.
AVG Guru

Hi James,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

I also experiance the same problem ! Any solution ?

Hi James,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

Yes, It fixes all the problems it finds but the Clean-up-browser problems every time I run maintence I get the same message.

I also experiance the same problem ! Any solution ?

James / Louis, Have a look @ this new form link (http://https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form) to get chat/phone support. Otherwise, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) will see your topic & respond. Please bear in mind that today is a National holiday in Brno i.e. Independent Czechoslovak State Day.
AVG Guru