When posting, is my full name displayed

You are most welcome. Yes, while creating a new account you can have the desired name which will appear as it is on the community post.
Thank you.

Mimi, When you joined the Community you chose the name you wanted to use. There is no facility for you to change the name you're using.
AVG Guru

If my full name is displayed how can I change that

Mimi, When you joined the Community you chose the name you wanted to use. There is no facility for you to change the name you're using.
AVG Guru

Thank you, Alan. I guess I didnot understand that is what would happen. If I were to close my account and start anew, could I correct it there?

You are most welcome. Yes, while creating a new account you can have the desired name which will appear as it is on the community post.
Thank you.