So are you saying '' is not from you? Because that is who sent me the 'junk' email.
Why are you asking me to renew my licence, when I have renewed my licence? I thought you a good company, but if you don't know what you are doing, I may have to reconsider that idea! Sort yourself out, or else I may have to go elsewhere!!!
Thank you. I did reply to Akash's email but then noticed that the address was a noreply one. Why do you make things complicated? We're not all computer geeks who have all day to work out how to reply to a simple email.
For your information, attached is a copy of the email that you sent me. I have renewed my subscription. In fact you took it from my account, two weeks early, without my permission. I was planning to pay you from another account, but hey ho, you know best. Stuff the bank charges I incurred thanks to you. Next year, please wait for me to renew, and not take it early!
So are you saying '' is not from you? Because that is who sent me the 'junk' email.
Hi Mark,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the Marketing emails, we see that you have already renewed your AVG Subscription. We have also cancelled your Auto Renewal so that you can use the card that you wish to renew your subscription with.
Thank you!
Hello Mark,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. On checking your previous conversation we concluded that you are experiencing issue with junk emails as well as billing. Let we try to resolve the technical issue first.We would request you to follow the steps which mentioned in this thread to reduce your spam score and check whether it resolve the issue. Since you had mentioned that you need to update your credit card information , we would request you to get connect with our sales team to update the credit card information.
Thank you.
Mark, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
AVG Guru
Hi Mark,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, please attach us a screenshot of the email that you received along with the date.
Thank you!