Why so many processes with the latest AVG antivirus update?

Hello David.
I understand you kind of feel that the latest version takes up so much CPU resources. However, I request you not to make any alterations in the way the program performs as the latest version was released after many lab test by experts. We request you to continue with the way how the program performs for best results.
Thank you.

I only use on-demand antivirus scan, and on-demand database update. Therefore, I'd like to know why there are so many AVG-related processes running after the latest AVG antivirus update on my Windows computer, and why some of them even want internet access when I'm not starting the update process (and have no scheduled tasks running).

avgsetupx.exe, avgidsagent.exe, avgwdsvcx.exe, avgui.exe, avguix.exe are running at this time. (Also, I don't use identity protection, and I don't have the self-protection turned on.)
avgwdsvcx.exe and avgcmgr.exe wanted internet access not so long ago - out of the blue, so to speak.

Can I have a concrete list of processes, what they're for, and what can safely be disabled in Services if I use the program the way I described above?

The AVG in question is installed on a Windows 7 computer. Also, today it tried to sneak in some sort of "link protection"…

Also, how are those "best results"? I have two or three activities with my antivirus solution:
- updating database (on demand), when I allow internet access
- scanning new files on demand (and specific files and folders every now and then)
That should be no big deal for the antivirus application.

Thank you for your response. However, I would still like at least the answers to other questions (what the processes are for, why they need network access outside my allowed segments…)?