Windows 10 system updates

Is your AVG Internet Security is up to date? We request you to update your AVG product to 2018 version. The latest version is compatible with latest windows update.

On restart each day the Notification is "Restart required for 2018-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems (KB4074588)".

One of the Windows suggested reasons for the problem is that AVG may be preventing completion of the upgrade.

Any suggestions?

I downloaded from website but do not think the download was successful.  it does not appear on the This PC Download list, nor does the AVG Icon change.

The rest of the request is, I think, beyond my capabilities.  Can we continue with the fix tomorrow?


Thank you for the information, Les.
If you perform the program update or download the installation file from our website, you should get the 18.1 version installed.
Please provide the (screenshot) of restart required prompt to assist further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
It is necessary to check whether Turbo mode is activated on AVG PC TuneUp.
Open AVG PC TuneUp interface, at the bottom left corner, check for three icons.
The third icon is the Turbo Mode, if it is activated, certain windows features will not work.
Click on the second icon, which will look like "Play" button symbol to activate Standard Mode.
Check whether you are able to update windows.

Is your AVG Internet Security is up to date? We request you to update your AVG product to 2018 version. The latest version is compatible with latest windows update.

I downloaded "latest" from web and nothing changed.  How do I know that I downloaded your latest versions.  I have Driver Update, TuneUp and Internet Security. Where should I get the 2018 versions?

Sure, you can get contact us at any time.
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