Dot, Do you have Windows Defender real-time protection totally disabled?. With Win 10 Windows Defender is classified as an AntiVirus prog so therefore can conflict AVG.
AVG Guru
After an automatic Windows 10 update, the only way I could get an Internet connection was to disable AVG.
Should I remove it and re-install? Or do something else?
OK Dot, No probs..
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Dot, Do you have Windows Defender real-time protection totally disabled?. With Win 10 Windows Defender is classified as an AntiVirus prog so therefore can conflict AVG.
AVG Guru
Thanks. I've done all that, and it seems to have resolved the issue. Having looked at Control Panel, I see that Windows Defender is now marked as "Off" (rather than "snoosing", as it was before)
Thank you again for your help.