Windows 1803 fix

Hello Howard,

It is very unfortunate that you are facing this issue as a result of recent update to windows RS4 1803. Our developers confirmed that, Microsoft temporarily stopped updates to build 1803 for all users with Avast/AVG. We are working together with them on a fix of this situation. To dive deep and analyze further, we need to collect some logs files. I have sent you an email, please follow the instructions and get in touch with the remote team to proceed further.

My computer is affected by the Windows 10 1803 problem.  I followed the 18 step "fix" that was posted online, but I get error message: Set up has failed to validate product key.
Can anyone help?

Hello Howard,

It is very unfortunate that you are facing this issue as a result of recent update to windows RS4 1803. Our developers confirmed that, Microsoft temporarily stopped updates to build 1803 for all users with Avast/AVG. We are working together with them on a fix of this situation. To dive deep and analyze further, we need to collect some logs files. I have sent you an email, please follow the instructions and get in touch with the remote team to proceed further.