Windows advising NO Antivirus installed?

Balasubramanian, Having read the article you mentioned I have to advise you that this 'feature' doe not work in AVG.

I followed the requirements in the document and after then trying to run the 2 programs again I found that the Exceptions that had been added are still being identified and removed to the Quarantine Bin.
It was after trying the 'feature' a couple of times that I then uninstalled File & Shield Behaviour options.

So that exercise was about as useful as using a Chocolate Fireguard.

Both the 'programs' have been submitted to AVG on 2 occasons before File & Behaviour Shield were uninstalled.

Hello Ian.
We're here to help. The reason windows is suggesting no anti virus program installed is because you remove the file shield and behavior shield features. Please install them and you should not see that alert.

Regarding the two programs that are falsely being flagged by AVG, we'd request to submit a sample of those files to our developers. They will analyze and add them to our white list. Visit to submit the files.

I have two 'programs' in my computer that are used for verification purposes of other software programs whenever updates are received.
These two 'programs' are also used by several thousand other users on a particular forum I subscribe to.
AVG kept 'Identifying' the two 'programs' as Malware/Virus and removed them to the Quarantine Bin.

I then restored them back in place and identified them as 'Allowable' in both the facilities in AVG of 'File Shield' and 'Behaviour Analysis'  however it seems that the 'Robot' in AVG did not accept or like this as once again when I went to use the 'programs' they were flagged up by AVG and dumped in the Quarantine Bin!

So the only way then for me to stop this situation as the other Antivirus programs I had installed before AVG did not flag the files as 'Malware/Virus' was to remove the 'File Shield/Behaviour Shield 'feature' which was carried out.

However. Windows is now 'advising' me that I have NO Antivirus Installed while the AVG screen is telling me that Web & Email are 'Protected'.

Is AVG trying to have 'fun' with my laptop or is there a setting I am missing or possibly set up incorrectly?

Ian, that's unfortunate.

In this case, we need to wait for the senior team to analyse the file that was sent to them.

Once these files are reported as safe, you will b able to access this applications with File and Behavior shield enabled.

For now you can disable these features and use the application.

We can assure you that, it will be resolved very soon.
Balasubramanian, Having read the article you mentioned I have to advise you that this 'feature' doe not work in AVG.

I followed the requirements in the document and after then trying to run the 2 programs again I found that the Exceptions that had been added are still being identified and removed to the Quarantine Bin.
It was after trying the 'feature' a couple of times that I then uninstalled File & Shield Behaviour options.

So that exercise was about as useful as using a Chocolate Fireguard.

Both the 'programs' have been submitted to AVG on 2 occasons before File & Behaviour Shield were uninstalled.

Hello Avinash,
Thank you for your reply and explanation which I half expected however your answer did not clarify why when I make an 'Exception' of those two files in File Shield and Behaviour Shield, AVG still identifies and moves them to Quarantine?

So while that situation continues which to me means that AVG does not or will not allow Exceptions to be created I will not re-install File and Behaviour Shield as I have other programs installed which while providing protection do not flag the 2 programs as 'problems'.

The 2 'problem' programs were sent to AVG some time ago but so far no reply has been received.


Hello Ian.
We're here to help. The reason windows is suggesting no anti virus program installed is because you remove the file shield and behavior shield features. Please install them and you should not see that alert.

Regarding the two programs that are falsely being flagged by AVG, we'd request to submit a sample of those files to our developers. They will analyze and add them to our white list. Visit to submit the files.

Karthikeyan, I don't share your view as I think it is sad.
You see an alternative program I am using found a different 'problem' which I then raised an Exception for in their program and it worked as it remembered unlike AVG the details of the Exception so I don't have to turn anything off!
So why I cannot get the Exception 'feature' to work correctly in AVG is a concern and reminds me of when Microsoft released Win10 with 4500 Bugs in it but Marketing insisted it hit that market place!
While another program called Office 2010 is still having Bugs fixed 8 YEARS later!

Sounds to me like a few companies are not carrying out their testing before the software is being released to the marketplace.

But thanks for the re-assurance that the current status of File & Behaviour Shield can remain Uninstalled while I wait for clarification.
But I have to say that if the rely comes back negative and a 'problem' is reported on those files then if File & Behaviour Shield are still not allowing Execptions to be included then I guess I will be moving to an antivirus program that works correctly.

Ian, we request you to try adding the application to AVG's general exception list as mentioned in this article and see whether it resolves the issue.
Also, try to submit the file information again through this link.